Negative Cash credits for Copied Articles

Dear Members,

It is found that some members are deliberately posting Articles that they have already posted in some other websites. Each day we are getting lots of copied articles, it takes around 10 to 15 minutes to evaluate an article. So you can imagine how much time is being wasted because of copied articles.

In order to deter members from posting such copied Articles, The negative cash credits system is being introduced. The details are present below:

1) Rs 3.00 will be deducted from your total cash credits for each copied Article posted by you.

2) An article is said to be Copied if it's totally or partially copied from any other websites, blogs or any other material.

3) After approval of an article, If later it is found to be copied then also Rs 3.00 will be deducted. 

We need good quality & genuine Articles from our members...


READ MORE - Negative Cash credits for Copied Articles